April 26, 2024

Christmas Wishes To Daddy

Christmas Wishes To Daddy

(Address unknown)
By Van Biak Thang

Merry Christmas to you, Daddy.
This is the time we used to be
Together in our family;
Now not we know where you will be,
But we pray that you be healthy.

Since you left in the dark midnight
In our life has there been no light ;
My mother’s been kept out of sight,
And my sister has become eight;
But by God, we’re fine and alright.

“No Christmas Here” is an order,
The church is closed and watched over.
No one is out but the soldier,
So we have no Christmas dinner.
But in God, we share one prayer.

Through a wee hole, this I espy:
Shining is the moon, clear is the sky,
Bright are the stars but cold my sty –
Dirty, murky, empty and dry.
But with God, my spirit is high.

My wishes here I stop, Daddy
As in the dark can no eyes see.
When comes the hoping dawn really,
Surely we’ll sing the melody.
So, we pray that very soon we see.

Dad, let your Christmas be enjoyed,
Don’t let your spirit be destroyed;
Though you are from us far away,
In mind still are we one with joy.
With best wishes – From your boy.


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