April 26, 2024
Chin News

Condolences to family of Christian leader Chin Do Kham

15 October 2013: Chin communities across the globe expressed their grief over the sudden death of Rev. Dr. Chin Do Kham in USA on 13 October.

The 54-year-old Christian leader is believed to have died of heart attack in the shower room of Motel 6 in a US city of Laurel while on his ministry trip to Maryland State and New York.

One of the Chin pastors from Arizona said: “It breaks my heart to hear this unexpected news and I feel like we lost one of the greatest Christian leaders in Burma. He and what he did for our people will always be in our hearts.”

Rev. Dr. Chin Do Kham is President of the Global Outreach and Community Development (GOCD), and General Secretary of the Global Zomi Alliance (GZA).

In paying tribute, ZRO (Zomi Re-unification Organisation) said that he was a man of principle and a guiding star for the entire Zomi community.

Originally from Tedim Township, Chin State, Burma, Rev. Dr. Chin Do Kham, now a US citizen based in Tulsa, Oklahoma State, is survived by his wife and two children.

His body would be flown to the family’s home in Tulsa following a medical examination, according to sources.#

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